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New rules for SuDS adoption
23 Sep 2020 14:00     A+ | a-
Amanda has written a detailed blog post for Slow The Flow (where she is a trustee), about the 2020 changes to the Water Companies' sewer adoption guidance.

Swale at York Uni

Please see here for the full post:

The newly published Sewerage Sector Guidance documents (SSG) (1st April 2020) contains ‘Appendix C – Design and Construction Guidance v2’ (DCG), which is the key document we are concerned with. (People who were used to the old ‘SfA’ format might refer to this as ‘Codes for Adoption’, ‘Sewers for Adoption’, or simply ‘The Code’, which the new lengthy title on the cover page acknowledges!)

In short, compliant SuDS elements such as swales, basins, soakaways, and ponds, can now fall within the definition of ‘surface water sewers' and can be adopted by water companies in England.

Whilst not a perfect solution for adopting all SuDS features, this is potentially game-changing. The issue of adoption has been an historical barrier to many SuDS projects.

We, as NFM and SuDS advocates and designers, can now work with landowners/clients and Yorkshire Water (or the relevant Water Company in the area) to encourage the implementation and adoption of landscape-led SuDS features under the new rules.
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